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[来源:本站 | 日期:2008年6月13日 | 浏览2172 次] 字体:[ ]



In today’s business, strategic use of information technology (IT) helps gain competitive edge, build business values and sustain market leadership. With ever-evolving technology and business requirements, IT solutions must be Agile, Innovation and Cost effective;
• Agile –response and align to evolving technologies and business requirements
• Innovative –maintain leadership and competitive edge
• Cost effective- do more with less At Ufinity, we constantly seek new innovations in IT for businesses; crafting unique solutions and building values for businesses while keeping it simple, scalable and cost-effective.
Our solutions focus on simplifying and securing the integration and unification of application and data access, over multiple platforms, channels and devices.
Through strong partnerships with our customers and partners, Ufinity has successfully implemented a comprehensive range of innovative solutions spanning across the Telecommunications/ISP, Finance, Government and Media industries, focusing on identity and access management implementation, financial systems integration, new media and convergence services. Today, with customers from across Asia in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the Philippines, these solutions serves more than 2 million users across Asia Pacific.
